I've mentioned the stray dogs and cats that roam the streets of Skopje previously in this blog, but you will all be interested to know that there is plenty of other semi-wildlife in Skopje and its surrounding areas as well. For example, every morning on my way to work, I pass an ostrich farm on the side of the highway. I haven't been able to take a picture of it because the bus is always moving to fast.
I've also seen goats grazing by the side of the river in the middle of Skopje, which is not really something you expect to see in the middle of a city, but there you go, that's life here, I guess.
A few weeks ago, while I walked through the old town in Skopje, I noticed this animal outside the Orthodox church there: 
Yes, that is a ram. Please keep in mind that I did not see this animal out in the countryside, but rather, in the middle of the capital city of the country.And the other day, on my way home from work, as I got out of the illegal minivan that takes me back to Skopje every afternoon, I saw a tortoise roaming around a patch of grass just outside of the national archives building. I thought maybe it was just a fluke, but then I saw it again once more after that.
There are also the horses (or maybe they're donkeys) that pull the gypsy carts around. Here's a picture of one grazing beside one of the main streets in Skopje:
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